Have you noticed your child has a preference as to which direction they turn their head or lay down? Do they neglect looking in one direction? Is their head always cocked or leaning to the Right or Left and seems to stay in that position often? If you answered yes to any or some of these questions, not to worry! Torticollis might be a potential reason!
Torticollis is a muscular condition, usually occurring shortly after birth that primarily affects the SCM muscle (sternocleidomastoid muscle – say that 5 times fast! :P) The action of this muscle is to bend the head to the R or L and to rotate the neck in the opposite direction. If this muscle becomes too “tight” or a muscle mass is seen on the muscle, a baby may have difficulty turning their head and getting out of this “stuck” position.
If your child has been diagnosed with Torticollis, or you believe they may have this condition – consult your doctor or physical therapist for possible treatment options!
Physical therapy can be utilized to help with:
· Stretching the same side to help relax that muscle,
· Strengthen the opposite side so your child uses their neck muscles more,
· Positioning/Changing positions often to prevent contractures, and of course
· Education & much more!